Monday, July 4, 2016

Running The Mile

It's a mile, right? No big deal.
Just wake up, put on your shoes.
Eat a banana, bagel, anything.
Then lace up those shoes.
And get ready to go.

You stretch outside.
Feeling that muscle ache.
Burning desire to be free.
Run down the street with speed.
Hair in the face.

You constantly have to brush it back.
Nothing to hold it back.
Just your hand, constantly above your head.
Whip, whip, whip.
Eventually learning to love it.

You sweat, drips of it come crawling down.
Putting you in a trance.
Completely free of just about anything.
Then snapping back into action.
You keep on running.

Creep up to that mile.
Burn your every desire.
You're almost there.
Boom! That's one mile.
Get some water and be done.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

What To Do When You Wake Up

The alarm rings
Your breath lets out a vicious yawn
You slap the alarm
One. Twice. Three times.

You somehow manage to crawl out of bed
Ignoring the chipping bird
You make your way to the bathroom
And start the running water

You get in and water runs down your cheeks
Desperate to wake up fully
Shampoo hair and wash your body with soap
Water is then turned off.

You step out, dry off, and get into clothes
Wondering what to have for breakfast
There's eggs, cereal, bacon, toast
You have all of them

Good breakfast, you should say
Feeling wide awake now
Reading the paper for a little bit
Then the phone rings

It's your boss, you're running late
You zip for your bag
Then run out the door
Ready to tackle today

The Sleeping Man

Early morning
Man sleeping
He had waken up early
To catch his plane

But he kept falling asleep
Hearing in and out
Snoring and perking up
Whenever a new sound was heard

Finally, it was too late
He had woken up and rushed
But only soon found out
That he had missed it