Tuesday, April 26, 2011

YouTube Expanding Movies

Is it just enough that YouTube is already having people upload videos of general things to the Internet? Or is there something more to what's happening?

Well, guess what, YouTube is expanding beyond Users uploading videos to the Internet. It is going towards the idea of downloading movies right off the YouTube site itself. What do I think?

The YouTube site is enough with all of uploading videos and such, but I would have some problem with downloading movies right off the YouTube site, instead of downloading it off of places like NetFlix and iTunes.

For most of my movies, I would download it right off of iTunes, instead of going to some other site and downloading it off right of there. It's just in my nature. But my other question is: Why would YouTube and Google try to download movies when iTunes already does it?

The answer is: competition. YouTube and Google are one and they want to create competition with people like Apple and NetFlix so that they can offer the lowest prices to people that they can. Competition also provides for employees who want to hire them so that the other companies can not. YouTube wants competition and they believe that having Users uploading videos is not enough.

I don't know if this is a good idea, but if YouTube wants people to start buying and downloading movies from their site, then it is all fine. It's all about competition and being like other sites, like iTunes. That's what this is all about.

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